Introducing Teaching Lab Program with Cellometer Mini and Cellometer Auto 1000

In collaboration with our academic customers, we have developed a Teaching Lab program now available to any academic customer. Our program is designed to seamlessly integrate into courses that introduce students to: Using industry standard biotechnology tools and techniques Examine fundamental cell biology: cell health, morphology, viability Basic laboratory techniques: Hemacytometer vs. automated cell counting Hands-on experience using research tools in student-driven projects Incorporate novel technology into routine workflow Many colleges and universities nationwide have already incorporated our teaching lab program into their Freshman Research Initiatives and Research Methodology courses. The teaching lab program is a great teaching tool and [...]

Identifying and Resolving the Sources of Hemacytometer Counting Error through Automation

It’s White Paper Wednesday! This month’s featured white paper: Identifying and Resolving the Sources of Hemacytometer Counting Error through Automation The hemacytometer persists as the gold standard for laboratory cell counting. First utilized in 18th century France as a means to analyze patient blood samples, the hemacytometer has gone through a series of major developments over the past hundreds of years, creating a modern instrument that is more accurate and easier to use than its predecessors. The hemacytometer remains an integral part of all cell-based research, and yet sources of error inherent in its design and utilization persist. Those sources [...]

Cellometer User Training Webinar: Nov. 14, 2014

Join us for our next Cellometer User Training Webinar on Friday November 14th at 11am: How to Measure Concentration and Viability of Primary Cell Samples Using the Cellometer Auto 2000 This informational webinar will cover: A brief introduction to the Cellometer Auto 2000 How to measure concentration and viability of primary cells Example counted images of tested primary cells Which viability assay is right for me? Register here: All webinars are recorded. If you know you cannot attend but are interested in the topic, please register. After the webinar is concluded, you will receive an email with a link to [...]

By |2014-11-10T15:25:47+00:00November 10th, 2014|Categories: General Discussions|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Celigo User Training Webinar : 11/13/14

Nexcelom will be hosting the next Celigo User Training Webinar on Thursday November 13th at 1:00 ET. This webinar will be recorded and the recording will be available after the session concludes. Our Applications Scientist, Sarah Kessel will be presenting this webinar on the topic of: Measuring Transfection Efficiency on your Celigo This webinar will specifically cover: Celigo Image Cytometer Label-free monitoring of your cell transfection efficiency over time using cell counts or confluence Measuring transfection efficiency, where total cell counts are obtained with Hoechst stain Time for questions and answers   You can Register Here for this [...]

By |2014-11-06T12:33:24+00:00November 6th, 2014|Categories: General Discussions|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Visit Nexcelom Bioscience at ISSX 2014!

The International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics is hosting their annual meeting October 19-23, 2014 at the Hilton San Francisco in San Francisco, CA. Nexcelom Bioscience will be exhibiting at booth # 314. We have 3 instruments that are specifically relevant for this field: Cellometer Auto 2000, Cellometer K2 and Celigo S. If you're attending ISSX 2014, stop by the booth, talk to Justin or Tim, and learn about how these instruments can benefit you and your lab! If you aren't able to make it out to ISSX this year, but would like more information about any of these [...]

By |2023-04-27T20:23:24+00:00October 17th, 2014|Categories: General Discussions|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Cellometer User Webinar : Oct 24, 2014

Join us for our next Cellometer User Informational Webinar on Friday October 24th at 11am: The Importance of Proper Focus on Cellometer Cell Counters This informational webinar will cover: -a brief introduction to image cytometry -why a good image is needed -why proper focus is so important -time for questions and answers Register here: All webinars are recorded. If you know you cannot attend but are interested in the topic, please register. After the webinar is concluded, you will receive an email with a link to view the recorded presentation.

By |2014-10-16T15:29:10+00:00October 16th, 2014|Categories: General Discussions|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Rapid Image Cytometry Method for Cell Counting and Viability Measurement for Cellular Therapy

Patients with cancers such as multiple myeloma, leukemia, lymphoma, and other metastatic cancers have tumor cells with unique immunological targets that when exploited, can lead to the complete destruction of the mass and a lasting remission from disease. Clinicians attack those targets using cell therapy, also known as “targeted immunotherapy”. Cell therapy is the programming of a patient’s own immune cells to target that patient’s tumor cells for destruction. One application of cell therapy, Adoptive Cell Transfer (ACT), employs select methods of genetic manipulation and propagation of those immune cells ex vivo so that the newly programmed cells can be [...]

Celigo User Training Webinar Scheduled : 10/9/14

Nexcelom is beginning a monthly Celigo user training webinar series. The live webinars will be held on the second Thursday of the month at 1:00pm EST. All of our webinars will be recorded and available after the session concludes. Our Application Scientist, Sarah Kessel will be presenting our first topic: Setting Up the Celigo for a Successful Proliferation Experiment using Confluence Measurements. This webinar will specifically cover: -Acquiring bright field images -Analysis parameters for confluence measurements -Reviewing data -Time for Questions and Answers If you are interested in registering for the webinar, you can go here to sign up!

By |2014-10-02T16:22:50+00:00October 2nd, 2014|Categories: General Discussions|0 Comments

Accurately Count PBMC and Measure Viability in Presence of Residual RBC

It’s White Paper Wednesday! This month’s featured white paper: Accurately Count PBMC and Measure Viability in Presence of Residual RBC In this work, we have developed an image cytometry method for detecting and monitoring the cell expansion and differentiation of articular chondrocytes in primary culture. First, the feasibility of utilizing image cytometry for detection of fluorescent is shown by comparing measured fluorescent positive cell populations to flow cytometry. Next, articular chondrocyte cultures were established in multi-well plates from either single or Cyan/eGFP double reporter mouse lines and grown for 20 days to test the utility of the fluorescence-based image cytometry system. [...]

Cellometer User Training Webinar 9/26/14: Optimizing your Assays

Our next User Training Webinar will be Friday Sept. 26 at 11:00am EDT. This month, our Technical Support department will be demonstrating how to Optimize your Assay! Topics to be covered will be: -optimizing your exposure time -editing and creating new cell types -editing existing assays -time for questions and answers Register here:

By |2021-06-15T20:39:30+00:00September 22nd, 2014|Categories: Cell Counting Leadership, Cellometer, General Discussions, Instrument|0 Comments
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